New chocolates

I am what you could call a compulsive buyer, especially as far as chocolates are concerned. As soon as something comes to the market I have to try it. Try everything at least once in your life, is a motto which fits me to a T (on a food level at least).

My latest chocolate addiction is the Newtree brand. So, when during my weekly grocery shopping yesterday, I saw these new flavours, I just had to buy them ... I'm sure everybody heard them wailing "buy me, try me, ..", but somehow I seemed to be the only one hearing their begging :o)

Anyway I haven't tried them yet (I have to watch my curves a bit before becoming over-curvy and I still have other already opened packages), but I wanted to give these some publicity.

Funny how I am enjoying more and more dark chocolate. In my opinion milk chocolate is OK for a quick chocolate fix, enough to have a sweet taste and get your sugar level up. Dark chocolate has to be savoured and it is something that has to grow on you. Like red wine or black olives, it's like an upgrading process ... I don't know what the next level is though, growing my own cocoa tree and making my own chocolate? ;o)
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