
I just discovered this great website with lots of gadgets for your blog : It contains a lot of useless but fun quizzes.

Here are the result of some of the tests I took :

1. Are you an attention whore?

You Are An Attention Seeker

You're only human, so you can't help but want a little attention every now and then.
You love the spotlight, but only when it's well deserved. You'd hate to be known for the wrong thing.
And you also don't mind sharing the spotlight. You can easily give someone else credit or a complement.
You know there's enough attention to go around, and it makes you happy when your friends shine.
You come across as: Friendly and interesting
People may wrongly think you're: A little more modest than you actually are!

2. What Famous Work of Art Are You?

You Are Best Described By...

Meditative Rose
By Salvadore Dali

3. What Flavor Shake Are You?

You Are a Vanilla Shake

Vanilla, yes, but definitely not boring.
You are subtly complex and deeply sophisticated.
You're the type of person who has always been ahead of their time.
You don't fall for gimmicks or tricks. You are drawn to what's true.

4. What Gemstone Are You?

Your Gemstone is Topaz

Comforting, considerate, and stable.
You are down to earth and grounded.

Try it and have fun :o)
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